Wednesday 25 June 2014

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

Revised Taxonomy and Outcome based Education

                  Examples of Learning Outcomes
Good learning outcomes are focused on what the learner will know or be able to do by the end of a defined period of time and indicate how that knowledge or skill will be demonstrated.
  • Upon completing this assignment, students will be able to provide accurate diagrams of cells and be able to classify cells from microscopic images.
  • By the end of this course, students will be able to identify and develop data collection instruments and measures for planning and conducting sociological research.
  • By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to identify and classify their spending habits and prepare a personal budget.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:
  • predict the appearance and motion of visible celestial objects
  • formulate scientific questions about the motion of visible celestial objects
  • plan ways to model and/or simulate an answer to the questions chosen
  • select and integrate information from various sources, including electronic and print resources, community resources, and personally collected data, to answer the questions chosen
  • communicate scientific ideas, procedures, results, and conclusions using appropriate SI units, language, and formats
  • describe, evaluate, and communicate the impact of research and other accomplishments in space technology on our understanding of scientific theories and principles and on other fields of endeavour

Learning outcomes can address content, skills, and long-term attitudes or values.

  • By the end of this course, students will be able to categorize macroeconomic policies according to the economic theories from which they emerge.
  • By the end of this unit, students will be able to describe the characteristics of the three main types of geologic faults (dip-slip, transform, and oblique) and explain the different types of motion associated with each.
  • By the end of this course, students will be able to ask questions concerning language usage with confidence and seek effective help from reference sources.
  • By the end of this course, students will be able to analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial hypothesis.

  • By the end of this course, students will be able to work cooperatively in a small group environment.
  • By the end of this course, students will be able to identify their own position on the political spectrum.
Learning outcomes should use specific language, and should clearly indicate expectations for student performance.
Examples of Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes
GoalObjectiveHow this objective might be reformulated as a Learning Outcome
To become acquainted with topographic maps and their usage.To use topographic maps and employ these maps to interpret the physiography and history of an area.Students should be able to
  • Locate and identify features on topographic maps by latitude and longitude and township and range.
  • Contour a topographic map and construct a topographic profile.
  • Identify major landform features on topographic maps and relate them to basic geologic processes of stream, groundwater, glacial or marine erosion and deposition.
  • Interpret geologic maps and geologic cross-sections.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
                   Original (1956)
                   Revised (2001)
Thinking is an active process and verbs describe actions. Knowledge does not describe a category of thinking and was replaced with Remembering. Comprehension and synthesis were retitled to Understanding and Creating, respectively, to better reflect the nature of thinking for each category.
One can be critical without being creative (i.e., judge and idea and justify choices) but creative production often requires critical thinking (i.e., accepting and rejecting ideas on the path to creating a new idea, product or way of looking at things).

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long-term memory
Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining
Carrying out or using a procedure through executing or implementing
Breaking material into constituent parts, determining how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing
Marking judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing
Putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing
Source: Anderson & Krathwohl as cited in Forehand, 2008
Learning outcomes, aims and objectives
One unit of instruction – whether a course, assignment, or workshop – might have multiple learning outcomes that span a range level of learning as described by Bloom’s Taxonomy and indicated by relevant, active verbs. 
 The difference between learning outcomes and aims is that aims are written in terms of teaching intention and indicate what it is that the teacher intends to cover in the block of learning (curriculum coverage). Learning outcomes are descriptions of what the learner is expected to learn in the period of learning defined. Aims are therefore more about teaching and the management of learning, and learning outcomes are more about the learning that is actually to be achieved by the learner.
 The word ‘objectives’ complicates the situation since objectives may be written in the terms of teaching intention or expected learning outcome.
In order to master all outcomes, children with a particular talent are required to forfeit time in their area of strength. Because no child moves ahead until all demonstrate mastery, the inevitable happens: the faster learners quickly learn to slow their pace in order to avoid extra work, and they just give the answers to the slower learners so the group can move forward. Incentive and motivation are reduced, and boredom and resentment increased. The result is that all students demonstrate "mastery" of mediocrity, and none can aspire to excellence. Every child loses under this system.
OBE raises the fundamental question of who should decide what values, attitudes, and beliefs a child should be taught. Should it be the parents or the U.S. Department of Education, which funded OBE? Should the public schools be allowed to teach values that may be controversial and sometimes even contradictory to values taught to children by their parents?
Behaviour modification is fundamental to achieving OBE-type results. OBE uses a "stimulus-response-stimulus" pattern, a rewards-and-punishment process based on Ivan Pavlov's and B.F. Skinner's programmed learning/behaviour modification techniques. Under OBE, students are recycled through the process until they meet the mandated outcomes.
The best test of an OBE-type system was Chicago's experiment in the 1970s with Professor Benjamin Bloom's Mastery Learning (ML), which is essentially the same as OBE. ML was a colossal failure and was abandoned in disgrace in 1982. The test scores proved to be appallingly low and the illiteracy rate became a national scandal. Bloom, the father of ML, is well known for his statement that "the purpose of education is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students."

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Appendix –Social Science (B.Ed. revised curriculum 2013)

Appendix –Social Science (B.Ed. revised curriculum 2013)
EDU 04.10
Practicum- (CE-4)
  • Problem based learning in Social Science- How far it possible?
  • Multimedia approach in Social Science Teaching
  • Compare traditional and modern instructional strategies and its effectiveness in Teaching Social Science
  • Critical pedagogy and the teaching of Social Science
  • How far knowledge construction is possible in Social Science at secondary level?
 (Prepare practicum on any one of the topics listed above with theoretical and practical aspects (5 to 7 pages) and with a Power Point to present the topic)
EDU 05.10
Practicum- (CE-4)
  • Application of learning theories in the pedagogic practices- Problems and prospects
  • Learning activities for developing Multiple Intelligences in Social Science (with examples from content area)
  • Changing evaluation systems in school education
  • Different approaches in lesson planning
  • Prepare a report comparing Social Science text books of NCERT and SCERT of Kerala in standard 8 or 9 or10 (Contents included, content organization method, scope for process oriented learning, chances to go beyond text book information etc. should be considered)
(Prepare practicum on any one of the topics listed above with theoretical and practical aspects (5 to 7 pages) and with a Power Point to present the topic)

EDU 09.10
Practicum- (CE-3)
·         Developing higher order thinking skills through the teaching of Social Science
·         How Meta cognition leads to open mindedness through the teaching learning process of Social Science?
·         Select a community resource of your choice and prepare a programme of action of its effective utilization while transacting a content area.
·         Prepare Local History of your choice
·         Teaching of current events and controversial issues in Social Science
(Prepare practicum on any one of the topics listed above with theoretical and practical aspects (5 to 7 pages) and with a Power Point to present the topic)

EDU 10.10
Practicum (CE- 3)
·        Any one Unit plan prepared for the units allotted to the student teachers during teaching practice

Practical courses (semester 1)
1. College based
  1. Discussion: 10 (3 models of teaching)
  2. Observation of 2 model video lessons & reporting( teacher monitored)
  3. Demonstration lessons:5(different categories)
  4. Micro teaching:1skill/student(video recording & lesson notes)
  5. Criticism:10 (all are practiced with school student/peers) includes 3 models of teaching
  6. Computer/ICT lesson : 1(group work 3-4 members)
  7. Development of script of video lessons): 2 (group work- 3 to 4 members)

Practical courses (semester 1)
2. School based
Initiatory school experiences- school visit & reporting
       School induction 4 days with 3 periods teaching/shared practice( 3 members). ( teaching : 15 marks + diary 5 marks)
Ø  4 continuous working days
Ø  Observation of senior teacher’s class individually/small groups
Ø  Informal meeting with teachers
Ø  Observe learning facilities & social climate
Ø  Maintain a detailed dairy
Ø  Reflection session
a. College based
                Edu201.1: submission of online assignment
                                  :presentation of innovative work
                                  Preparation and uploading of Power Point slides
b. School based
Ø  Teaching practice – 40 lessons
Ø  Peer review records-10
Ø  Diagnostic test & Remedial measures
Ø  Achievement test, statistical analysis & interpretation
Ø  Reflective journal
c. Community based
ü  Community living camp – 4 days residential camp
ü  Study tour

EdU 09&10 : CE of optional subject
Edu 201.1   : online assignment
                   :innovative work
                   :record of tg. practice
                   :peer review record
                   :Diagnostic test
                   :achievement test
                   :reflective journal

Model reflective journal
Name of student:                                        Unit:  
Topic:                                                         Date:

How do the activities listed make a link with what was learnt the previous day?

Describe the process I went through to complete the teaching task:

Where I got the idea from and how I explored the topic or subject:

What are the strengths of my work? What still makes me uneasy?

What problems I encountered and what revision strategies I used:

What makes this lesson different from the previous one?

Whether I able to achieve my objectives?

Own judgement of overall effect of the class:

Own suggestions if any for betterment in next class:

Signature of student teacher                                      Teacher Educator                                                                                       



NAME OF THE PEER:                                                                 TOPIC:                                 Date:
                                             TEACHER COMPETENCIES/SKILLS

Peer observation comment:

How to evaluate?
  1. Planning and organizing-  Topic, ways for collecting data, Supporting ,materials forpresentation                                                                                                        5/4/3/2/1
  1. Data collection               - Literature Review, relevance, sources       5/4/3/2/1
  2. Content covered             - Structure, depth and quality of content     5/4/3/2/1
  3. Preparation of paper       - Organization of ideas, clarity, creativity, analysis, interpretation and
                                        evaluation                                               5/4/3/2/1

  1. Presentation of paper      - Communication, participation and discussion, clarification and      
                                          reporting                                              5/4/3/2/1
                                                    (Find average score in 5)

Problem based study (Practicum)

  1. Planning                       - Relevance of the study, identification of the problem, selection of      
                                       appropriate tools for data collection and analysis     
                                                                                                ( 5/4/3/2/1)
  1. Data collection                -Adequacy, relevance and reliability of the data(literature review,  
                                                field visit, interview, observation, discussion)    
                                                                                                ( 5/4/3/2/1)
  1. Analysis and interpretation- Systematic arrangement of data analysis, interpretation, findings   
                                          and conclusions                                                    
                                                                                                 ( 5/4/3/2/1)
  1. Presentation of report -        Logical and sequential order, authenticity of report                                                                                                                                       ( 5/4/3/2/1)

  1. Timeliness                      -       Time bound completion                   ( 5/4/3/2/1)
                                                    (Find average score in 5)

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