Wednesday 8 October 2014

Duration: 2 Hours                                                                                                         Maximum: 50Marks

[Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A and Part B, four questions from Part C and
one question from Part D.]

1. Most essential aspect of a techno pedagogue:
     a) Skills to use technology for lesson transaction
     b) Efficiency in participatory approach
     c) Skill to introduce a lesson
     d) Efficiency in online searching
2. An example of reflective teaching practice:
     a) Giving follow up activities regularly
     b) Changing presentation style after a feedback session
     c) Ensuring activities suggested in text book
     d) Conducting an achievement test
3. Shooting a video lesson for the topic “Atmosphere” after preparing a lesson script will help to:
    a) Give live experience on the layers of atmosphere
    b) Reduce teacher efforts to give clarity on different concepts
    c) Motivate the learners’ interest on the topic
    d) All the above
4. Software developed to study the ‘First and Second World War’ is more suitable to:
    a) Individual learning
    b) Co operative learning
    c) Class room teaching
    d) Seminar presentation
5. E content development on ‘New Economic Policy’ will be more useful for:
    a) Online learning
    b) Video conferencing
    c) Regular class room
    d) Power point presentation
6. One which is not true about internet and teaching of Social Science:
    a) Data are available on various topics of Social Science
    b) Video lessons on various topics are available for teaching purpose
    c) Online distance education is possible in Social Science subject areas
    d) All down loading materials on Social Science are authentic & Comprehensive
7. A simple example of techno pedagogy is:
    a) Showing a video clipping of election campaign while introducing the topic ‘Organs of
    b) Recording the seminar presentation on ‘Organs of Government’ c) Show the pictures downloaded            from internet suitable for the topic ‘Organs of Government’
    d) Directing the students to conduct a mock parliament
8. Which among the following revolutionized the role of teacher as an authority of knowledge to the
    facilitator of learning and co learner in learning process?
   a) Right to Education Act
   b) Right to Information Act
   c) Extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
   d) Right for equality of educational opportunity
9. Essential component of a techno pedagogical content analysis
    a) Analyse facts and concepts
    b) Analyse the process skills
    c) Analyse the possibilities of evaluation aspects
   d) Analyse the possibilities of technological inputs in lesson process
10. A way to enhance professional competency among teachers
    a) Conducting seminar in the classroom.
    b) Attending workshops & refresher courses at regular intervals.
    c) Promoting tutorial system in educational institutions.
    d) Organizing quiz programs regularly                                                   (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)

 (Answer all Questions in a paragraph)
11. Give an example of reflective teaching in social science on a topic of your choice.
12. Differentiate Profession and occupation.
13. Give an example of utilizing computer in Social Science while teaching a topic of your choice.
14. How research will help to improve professional competency among Social Science teachers?
15. Mention the essential technological knowledge needed for a Social Science teacher at present.
                                                                                                                 (5 x 2 = 10 marks)

(Answer any four Questions in one page each)
16. Explain strategies for reflective practices in teaching.
17. How will you equip yourself as professional in Social Science?
18. Illustrate the content analysis in Social Science on techno pedagogical aspects.
19. Give your critical remarks on the possibilities of video conferencing in regular class room
20. Explain the scope and limitations of utilizing internet in Social Science Teaching.
21. Mention the preparations needed for a Social Science teacher to record a video lesson with an
     example.                                                                                               (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

(Answer any one Question in 3 pages)
22. Prepare an ICT integrated lesson plan on a topic of your choice for standard VIII.
23. Explain the scope and limitations of Blogging in sharing information, teaching and research
       purposes in Social Science.                                                                      (1 x 10 = 10 marks)

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